Ancho Chile used in Chili Mango lollipops
Regarding Allergies
Lick It Lollipops™ are Vegan, Gluten-free and Dairy-free.
We realize that folks care about what they are putting in their bodies. We are the first to tell you that Lick It Lollipops™ are a treat, not a lifestyle. Fresh ground spices, zests, and petals are used in many of our lollipops. If you are allergic - please ASK. Especially since we make all the lollipops, we know what’s in them.
Gluten-free - Cane sugar, filtered water, and corn syrup (non-GMO, not high fructose) are the Lick It Lollipops™ main ingredients. Not going to argue with folks that insist corn syrup has gluten. The corn syrup is derived from corn, and is also known as corn sugar or dextrose.
Nuts - Even though none of our products contain nuts, we do have a couple flavors that have Nut Tree allergen labels. Please use discretion when ordering.
Honey - Nope. We are Vegan. We use an inverted sugar that gives us the warm honey taste.
Dairy - Again, nope. We use a natural white icing dye that makes butter cream frosting white for wedding cakes - that’s the eyeball fake out; it makes the lollipops look creamy.
Flavorings - About 95% of our flavorings are natural. We make our own extracts when commercial is just not to par, and try to stick to yummy tasting lollipops. But a Marshmallow lollipop - come on, does that sound natural?
Dyes - Yes, we do use colorants because a yellow Blueberry lollipop sets folk’s mind on tilt. Special orders are always welcome. We are able to make our product without colorant or use EU approved colorants.
Our items are prepared in a certified Cottage Kitchen located in San Diego County. We are physically inspected by the San Diego Health Department annually.
Because its worth repeating - Lick It Lollipops™ are Vegan, Gluten-free and Dairy-free.